Warminster, PA | (215) 834-8720


Since all-terrain vehicles bear a lot while in use, you can't skimp on their upkeep! Synthetic Oil Direct in Warminster delves into the quad maintenance essentials. Read on and jot down these pointers!

Are you looking for a prime synthetic oil formula? Visit AMSOIL's online store or call Synthetic Oil Direct in Warminster at (215) 834-8720 to get in touch with an authorized AMSOIL dealer near you.

Regular maintenance will help prevent breakdowns, improve performance, and extend your quad's lifespan. Synthetic Oil Direct will tackle the upkeep of your quad's engine, brakes, suspension, tires, and more in this article.

Engine Maintenance

The engine is the core of your quad vehicle, and like any other motorized vehicle, it requires attention and care. Here are some tips for maintaining your quad vehicle's engine:

Change the Oil

The oil lubricates the engine's moving parts, reduces wear and tear, and helps to prevent overheating, but these fluids can go bad over time. Following the manufacturer's recommendations for oil type and frequency of changes or top-offs is important. Even if it's tiresome, reading this manual can keep you from making mistakes while maintaining the quad.

Check the Air Filter

Though filters can cause damage and reduce performance when neglected. It's essential to check the air filter regularly and clean or replace it when it's no longer useful.

Check the Spark Plugs

The spark plugs ignite the fuel in the engine, and they need to be in good condition for the motor to run smoothly. It's worth noting to check the spark plugs often and replace them once they are worn or damaged.

Monitor the Coolant

The coolant helps regulate the engine's temperature, so it's crucial to keep an eye on the level and quality of the coolant. If the coolant is low or contaminated, it can cause the engine to overheat and damage the components.

Brake Maintenance

The brakes are a paramount component of your quad vehicle. Not only that, but they also play a huge part in user safety. Here are some tips for maintaining your quad vehicle's brakes:

Check the Brake Pads

The brake pads wear down over time and need to be replaced periodically. Brake pads not only need constant checkups, but they also need replacement when worn down to the minimum thickness.

Switching to oil formulas may come with many doubts, but having an AMSOIL pro leading the way can make things easier. Call Synthetic Oil Direct in Warminster at (215) 834-8720, or stop by the AMSOIL online store to buy when you're ready.

Inspect the Brake Rotors

The rotors are responsible for stopping the quad, and if they are worn or damaged, they may not be able to do their job properly. Neglecting them can result in a dangerous situation for the rider. Regular inspections of the brake rotors are key steps in quad maintenance essentials. Not only that, but it helps to identify potential issues early on, which can save money in the long run. If a problem is caught early, it may be possible to repair the rotor or replace it before it causes further damage to other brake components.

Check the Brake Fluid

Since the brake fluid transfers the force from the brake pedal to the brakes, it needs to be in good condition for the brake system to work properly. So, it's important to check the brake fluid level and quality often and replace it once it gets contaminated or low.

Suspension Maintenance

The suspension system helps to absorb shocks and bumps while riding. Just like any crucial component, it demands care and attention, but its upkeep differs from other systems.

Check the Shocks

The shocks help to absorb the impact of bumps and uneven surfaces, which can make the ride more comfortable. If the shocks are worn or damaged, the ride may be more uncomfortable and even jarring. In that case, it's important to check the shocks regularly and replace them if they are leaking or damaged.

Inspect the Bushings

The bushings are rubber or plastic components that help to cushion the suspension system. They can become worn or damaged over time, which can cause the suspension to become loose or unstable.

Check the Steering

The last pointer in this list of quad maintenance essentials is to keep an eye on the steering system. Regular checks of the steering system can ensure that the vehicle lasts as long as possible. If the steering system is not working properly, it can cause other components of the quad to wear down more quickly. So, to avoid unnecessary expenses down the line, check the steering system regularly and address any issues promptly.

Feed your quad with AMSOIL's 4-Stroke Power Sports Synthetic and resist heat and thermal breakdown in hard-working engines. Order this and other top-shelf formulas by calling Synthetic Oil Direct in Warminster at (215) 834-8720 or head to AMSOIL's website.