Warminster, PA | (215) 834-8720


If you're interested in keeping your motorcycle in the best shape possible, you've come to the right place. The following maintenance tips are a great place to start.

Tips to Help You Keep Your New Motorcycle in Great Shape

Buying your first motorcycle and taking it out on the road for a spin can be very exciting. To continue enjoying the open road on your bike, don't forget about motorcycle maintenance. Performing simple maintenance tasks can help your motorcycle in great shape for longer, so you can enjoy tons of time on the road together. Check out the following maintenance tips to help you keep up with motorcycle maintenance.

Pay Attention to the Owner's Manual

Contrary to popular belief, the owner's manual wasn't made to be ignored and collect dust. While it may not be a fascinating read, your motorcycle's owner's manual does come packed with tons of useful information that will make caring for your motorcycle a lot easier. When you have questions about maintenance tasks, maintenance schedules, parts, and tools, your owner's manual will be crucial. You don't have to memorize it, but do consult it when you have a question about your motorcycle.

Motorcycle Maintenance Is Very Important

Your motorcycle isn't going to spontaneously combust if you skip an oil change or ride around on tires that are bit overinflated. However, neglecting maintenance tasks can lead to damage over time. As your motorcycle starts to develop issues, they may not be visible or detectable right away. This, however, doesn't mean they're not there. Instead of ignoring maintenance and pretending like everything is fine, take the time to inspect, clean, change, adjust, and lubricate the parts that need it. After all, the little time you spend on maintenance can mean a much longer life for your motorcycle. One maintenance task you should never skip is giving your motorcycle an oil change. In fact, stick to synthetic oil changes in Warminster for the best results. If you've never used a synthetic oil and aren't sure what oil to use, fear not. The oil pros at Synthetic Oil Direct will be happy to recommend products like AMSOIL's Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil. You can speak with them by calling (215) 834-8720 or you can check out their full range of products in their online shop.

Maintenance Tasks That Are Easy to Perform

Deciding to take on your motorcycle's maintenance can be intimidating if you don't have much experience with motorcycles. There are some tasks that just about anyone can perform, so don't feel too intimidated. For the rest, you can always take your motorcycle in to the shop for the professional results you're after. To help you start on your maintenance journey, check out the following tips.

Check the Tires

Checking your tire pressure should ideally be done weekly since there are a lot of factors that can affect your tire pressure. Under-inflated tires can lead to maneuverability issues on the road while overinflated tires can lead to reduced grip on the road. To avoid these types of issues use a pressure gauge to measure your tire pressure. Make the necessary adjustments to keep your tires at their ideal pressure. If you're not sure what their ideal pressure is, check your owner's manual.

Grease It Up

Greasing up your motorcycle in the right spots can help it perform better for a longer time. Spray grease is a great option for certain parts and can make greasing up these parts a breeze. Start by spraying some grease into the foot rests, hinges, levers, locks, and cables. Don't use this same grease for other areas since these will likely require a different type of grease.

Keep It Clean

While washing and waxing your motorcycle will give it a shiny and impressive look, these maintenance tasks will also keep it in better shape for longer. Taking the time to wash moisture and other grime off of your motorcycle's body will help prevent rust and corrosion from affecting your motorcycle. Use warm water and motorcycle shampoo to keep your motorcycle clean and then apply a layer of wax to protect it from the elements and corrosive substances.

Give Your Motorcycle a Synthetic Oil Change in Warminster 

When giving your motorcycle a synthetic oil change in Warminster, be sure to use the best quality products. Contact Synthetic Oil Direct at (215) 834-8720 for help finding the best AMSOIL Oil products for your motorcycle. You can find synthetic oil, oil filters, and tons of other products in their online shop.